Unlocking Hidden Savings: Ways to Maximize Employee Retention Tax Credits

Employee Retention Tax Credits

Are you leaving money on the table? The Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) is a hidden gem that many business owners overlook, but it can provide substantial financial relief, especially in these challenging times. If you’re a business owner, CPA, or attorney, understanding how to maximize ERTC can significantly boost your bottom line. Read on to uncover the secrets to maximizing your Employee Retention Tax Credits and ensure your business thrives.

What is the Employee Retention Tax Credit?

The ERTC is a refundable tax credit designed to help businesses keep employees on their payroll during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was introduced under the CARES Act and has been extended and expanded through subsequent legislation, making it an invaluable resource for businesses struggling with the economic impact of the pandemic.

Key Strategies to Maximize Your ERTC

1. Review Eligibility Criteria

First and foremost, ensure your business qualifies for the ERTC. The primary criteria include:

– Revenue Decline: A significant decline in gross receipts compared to the same quarter in 2019.

– Partial or Full Suspension: Operations were fully or partially suspended due to a government order related to COVID-19.

Understanding these criteria is essential to determine if you can claim the credit.

2. Accurate and Detailed Payroll Records

Maintaining precise payroll records is crucial. This documentation will support your claims and ensure you maximize your credit. Include detailed information about wages paid, employee hours, and any health insurance costs covered by your business.

3. Coordination with PPP Loans

If your business received a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan, you need to be strategic. The same wages cannot be used to qualify for both PPP loan forgiveness and the ERTC. Careful planning can help you benefit from both programs without overlapping expenses.

4. Utilize Qualified Wages

Qualified wages vary based on the size of your business. For small businesses (100 or fewer full-time employees in 2019), all employee wages are eligible. For larger businesses, only wages paid to employees who are not providing services due to suspension or decline in business are eligible. Properly categorizing these wages is key to maximizing your credit.

5. Take Advantage of Recent Changes

Stay updated on the latest legislative changes affecting the ERTC. Recent amendments have increased the amount of the credit and extended the eligibility period. Leveraging these changes can enhance your benefits significantly.

The Role of Tax Professionals

Navigating the complexities of the ERTC can be daunting. This is where professional guidance becomes invaluable. Our team of Certified Public Accountants and Enrolled Agents are experts in maximizing tax credits and ensuring compliance with IRS regulations. We provide tailored strategies to help your business optimize its tax benefits.

Why Choose Us?

At Kewal Krishan & CO, we specialize in helping businesses, CPAs, and attorneys manage FINCEN and IRS compliance efficiently. Our nationwide team is licensed to represent U.S. businesses and taxpayers before federal and state tax authorities. With our expertise, you can rest assured that your ERTC claims are maximized and error-free.


Unlocking the full potential of the Employee Retention Tax Credit can significantly enhance your business’s financial stability. By understanding and applying these strategies, you can maximize your benefits and secure much-needed relief during challenging times. Trust our experts to guide you through the process.

Call to Action

Unlock the full potential of your Employee Retention Tax Credits today! Contact our COO, Anshul Goyal, at anshul@incencred.com for a personalized consultation and expert guidance. Let us help you navigate the complexities of tax compliance and secure the financial relief your business deserves.


The information provided in this blog is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered professional financial advice. Please consult a tax professional for specific guidance.


1. What is the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC)?

The ERTC is a refundable tax credit for businesses that retain employees during the COVID-19 pandemic, designed to provide financial relief.

2. Who is eligible for the ERTC?

Businesses experiencing significant revenue decline or those fully or partially suspended by government orders due to COVID-19 are eligible.

3. How do I claim the ERTC?

The ERTC is claimed on your federal employment tax returns, typically using Form 941.

4. Can I claim ERTC if I received a PPP loan?

Yes, but you cannot use the same wages for both PPP loan forgiveness and ERTC. Strategic planning is required to maximize benefits from both programs.

5. What are qualified wages for ERTC?

Qualified wages include the wages and health insurance costs paid to employees during eligible periods, varying based on business size.

6. How has recent legislation affected the ERTC?

Recent changes have increased the credit amount and extended the eligibility period, enhancing the benefits for businesses.

7. What documentation is needed for ERTC?

Detailed payroll records, revenue decline documentation, and evidence of business suspension due to COVID-19 are required.

8. How much can I claim under ERTC?

The amount varies, but businesses can claim up to 70% of qualified wages, with a maximum of $7,000 per employee per quarter in 2021.

9. What is the deadline for claiming ERTC?

Claims must be made on federal employment tax returns, but businesses can file amended returns if needed.

10. Why should I consult a tax professional for ERTC?

A tax professional can help navigate complex regulations, ensure accurate claims, and maximize your financial benefits.

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